
Django configuration

Requires Django >= 2.0 and PostgreSQL >= 9.4.

  1. Install django-slackchat-serializer using pip.
$ pip install django-slackchat-serializer
  1. Add slackchat-serializer to your installed apps and create the minimum required token configuration to interact with Slack.
# project/settings.py

    # ...

  1. Add slackchat to your project’s urls.py.
# project/urls.py

urlpatterns = [
  # ...
  path('slackchat/', include('slackchat.urls')),
  1. Slackchat uses Celery to process some tasks asynchronously. Read “First steps with Django” to see how to setup a Celery app in your project. Here is a configuration you can also use to start:
# project/celery.py
import os

from celery import Celery
from django.conf import settings

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', '<your project>.settings')

app = Celery('slackchat')
app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')
# Use synchronous tasks in local dev
if settings.DEBUG:
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS, related_name='celery')
# project/__init__.py
from .celery import app as celery_app

__all__ = ['celery_app']
  1. Run migrations.
$ python manage.py migrate slackchat

Slack configuration

  1. Create a new app for your team in Slack.
  2. Grab your app’s verification token (for SLACKCHAT_SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN).
  1. From the OAuth & Permissions section, get your app’s OAuth Access Token (for SLACKCHAT_SLACK_API_TOKEN).
  1. Add these permission scopes: groups:history, groups:write, reactions:read, users:read.
  1. Enable events subscriptions in your app and configure the Request URL to hit slackchat-serializer’s events endpoint. (Slackchat will automatically verify the URL with Slack.)
  1. Subscribe to these workspace events: message.groups, reaction_added and reaction_removed.

First slackchat

  1. Run a management command to seed your app with Slack users:
` $ python manage.py get_slackchat_users `
  1. Log into the Django admin.
  2. Create a new ChatType instance.
  3. Create a new Channel instance, which will create a new private channel in Slack to host your slackchat.
  4. Invite any other members you want to the group and start chatting!

Configuring locally

If you’re just trying out slackchat-serializer locally, we recommend using ngrok to proxy Django’s own development server to a public URL that Slack can hit with event messages.

If you’re running your development server on port 8000, for example, you can start an ngrok tunnel like this:

$ ngrok http 8000

Now grab the tunnel’s https URL and use it to configure the request URL in your Slack app’s event subscriptions.


Move into the example directory and start a pipenv shell.

$ pipenv shell

You can now develop using Django’s development server.